Education and Training

The education and training activities implemented by L.M. for their staff aim to ensure that everyone is in possession of the requirements needed to properly carry out their assigned task.

The L.M. Quality System applies its own education and training procedure for staff involved with quality.

L.M. Impianti staff is educated and trained both theoretically, through courses, meetings and documentation, and practically, by mentoring with the support of an expert and by direct experience of the assigned task.

To ensure that staff are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives, education and training are aimed at all company levels.

Designer qualifications: L.M. Impianti requires that all staff involved in design has undergone a special training and is instructed on the regulations, laws and technical specifications applicable to the design phase.

Information and education on safety aspects: information on safety has a preventative purpose and consists of making workers aware of the risks in the workplace and the measures implemented.

Qualifications: L.M. Impianti requires that staff involved in quality system audits has undergone a specific training.

Qualifications for welders: L.M. Impianti requires that staff involved in welding has undergone a specific training.


Legislative and regulatory update

L.M.’s quality insurance regularly receives a legislative and regulatory update from an external company which contains details of technical regulations or legislative standards for the areas of interest.

Company Data

VAT number 02876330164
Share Capital fully paid up: € 13,000
REA registration: REA:330177

Via Trento 2 - 24040 - Ciserano (BG)
035 885512 | 035 872723
VAT number 02876330164 Share Capital fully paid up: € 13,000
REA registration:330177